Cuecat and adding books, not translating?

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Cuecat and adding books, not translating?

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1cathoo Första inlägget
dec 6, 2007, 8:55 pm

Hi all,

I just received my clawed cuecat yesterday (hooray!) but I'm having trouble adding books. I can scan the barcodes OK (tried it in notepad), but when I scan the data into the green search bar on the "Add books" page (like the instructions say) the only thing to happen is that my last book added flashed as if it was new.

I've tried this in FF and IE, and on my laptop and desktop. I also tried copy-and-pasting my scanned results and the "Why we buy" example from the instructions, and it doesn't work.

Am I doing something wrong?


dec 7, 2007, 5:09 am

Looks like there's a bug - see this thread too

dec 7, 2007, 12:04 pm

Ok, I'll keep my eyes open for when it's fixed. Thanks!

4TheEnchantedHive Första inlägget
dec 7, 2007, 6:54 pm

Thank goodness! I thought I was going crazy :)
I look forward to it getting fixed!

dec 8, 2007, 11:09 pm

Add me to the list of those who have problems scanning books into my library. I have a scanner at work and I tried to add titles with my scanner. The long string of letters pop into the search section like always but nothing shows up and the book does not get added. My Windows machine at work is older and quirky at times. However, when I went home to my new Mac, the same problem!

Count me as another person who really CAN"T wait until this get fixed. I am wondering if this problem is related to the upgraded features?