2016 BMO Winterset Award

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2016 BMO Winterset Award

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Redigerat: mar 27, 2017, 1:53 am

On March 16, the winner of the 2016 BMO Winterset Award for excellence in Newfoundland and Labrador writing was announced. Books published in 2016 in any genre, by Newfoundland and Labrador authors (native-born or resident) were eligible. A total of 37 works were submitted by publishers for consideration. The winner receives $12,500 and the finalists each receive $3,000.

The finalists were:
Robert Chafe for his novel "Two-Man Tent"
Michael Crummey for his collection of poetry "Little Dogs"
Paul Rowe for his novel "The Last Half of the Year"

...and the winner was Paul Rowe for "The Last Half of the Year"

Full details can be found here: