eBook Format

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eBook Format

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okt 15, 2017, 7:27 pm

From time to time, I have received books in PDF format. Converting those for Kindle readers left me with formatting errors that make the book tiring to read.

Most authors have been accommodating when I've written back to request the book in MOBI format. Only two authors, thus far, ignored my request.

LibraryThing should require that authors state the exact format that their book will be made available in. An easy way to enforce that would be the inclusion of a required format field in the book listing with a drop-down format listing. This required field would negate the need to add a phrase stating '...this is not a physical book', as the exact format would be shown in the format field.

Bothering authors with format request has not led to unpleasantness on their part as most seem to value readers willing write book reviews; but, it is bothersome and takes up the reviewer's time and the author's time. We need to find a better way than the blind 'request and format surprise' practice we have now.