Angle of Repose

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Angle of Repose

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jan 11, 2008, 8:59 am

Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner was a pleasant surprise. I had been wading through Pulitzer novels, and lately it was getting to be a real slog. The main character, is disabled and in a wheel chair. He has moved back to his grandparents house where he spent his childhood. Since he is a retired history professor, whose wife left him when he became ill, he decides to write a history of his grandmothers life. The book switches back and forth between his struggles and his grandmothers. He is sometimes shocked at the things he discovers about his grandmother, who was controlling and manipulative which of course he had never noticed as a child. He also discovers some things about himself that make him wonder if he can be more understanding and less selfish than she was.
A really good read.

jan 11, 2008, 9:45 am

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