Cabell @ 'A Shiver in the Archives' blog

DiskuteraThe Rabble Discuss Cabell: James Branch Cabell &c

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Cabell @ 'A Shiver in the Archives' blog

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Redigerat: dec 12, 2017, 10:18 am

For whatever reason I experienced a rush of happiness in reading those two letters, Cabell to the publisher (but almost as though addressed to Eddison himself), and then Eddison to Cabell.

I've not yet read The Worm Ouroboros though it's certainly on my wishlist, and I've very much liked the few short stories I've read of Eddison's.

It is perhaps no coincidence that both Cabell and Eddison are included in the Lin Carter / Ballantine Adult Fantasy collection, The Young Magicians.