"Providence" unites historians/authors in Texas, Pennsylvania

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"Providence" unites historians/authors in Texas, Pennsylvania

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mar 15, 2018, 12:37 pm

• Pushing back at the 'theists' crowd

By Loretta Fulton, Reporter
• Abilene Reporter-News

ABILENE, TEXAS - History enthusiast Rob Westman couldn’t pass up a book titled “George Washington's Sacred Fire,” even if it did contain 1,200 pages, including a thick section of tiny endnotes.

As soon as Westman started reading the book by Peter Lillback, a sacred fire kindled within him. Before he knew it, he was on a mission. He wanted to produce a children’s book about the faith life of the first president. The result is “George Washington: Providence”

Read the rest of this ARN report at http://www.reporternews.com/story/life/faith/2018/02/17/providence-unites-histor...