Import Template Suggestion

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Import Template Suggestion

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jun 27, 2018, 4:34 pm

I'm a newbie, but my wife has had an account for a number of years.

This week, I took on the task of scanning all of the books she currently owns and uploading them to LibraryThing.

(I know that there is a LibraryThing App, but I elected to scan everything first using my tools, then edit and import here)

I've been a professional data programmer since the early 80's, but the LibraryThing import process made me feel like I had never imported anything into any data store ;-)

I tried a variety of file formats based on the info on the import page for the import with no luck.

Based on my reading through all of the import tips and faqs I could find and noting the "Universal File Import" capability, I created a single column CSV containing only ISBN numbers with the single header ISBN. "No Books" joy.

I then created a CSV file based on the sample posted on the import page using the following format;


That worked, and LibraryThing is currently adding 308 books to my wife's lifetime account.

Since books imported into LibraryThing using only ISBN numbers are processed to "pull" complete information based on that number, may I suggest that a sample "ISBN only" CSV file in the above format be posted for reference?

I would also suggest that the app info (no Android app) be updated and the LibraryThing app be added to the import page below the file types.

Hope that this information is helpful,
Beverly Howard

jun 28, 2018, 9:41 am

Your bug report has already been closed as not a bug... Best post it here:

jun 28, 2018, 1:55 pm


However, I have had so many problems with importing that I am reluctant to post it at this time since the import process is not transparent and, at least in my case, not working as the information here indicates that it should.

Beverly Howard

jun 28, 2018, 7:46 pm

I'm also confused as to why this is in the Librarians group?

I know that we're superheroes, and I know many who can do literally anything, but, we're not librarians for librarything, we're just librarians who are on librarything.