2018 Booker Prize longlist: Sabrina by Nick Drnaso

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2018 Booker Prize longlist: Sabrina by Nick Drnaso

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Redigerat: jul 24, 2018, 12:55 pm

This thread is for discussion of Sabrina by Nick Drnaso. No unhidden spoiler comments, please.

Redigerat: jul 26, 2018, 6:16 am

Very small spoilers only...
I try not to feel influenced by the very uncomfortable process of reading a graphic novel on my ipad mini and my smartphone or by my dislike for reading longer texts in capital letters. I read less than a handful of "adult GNs" so far in my life. I can't say I liked this one although in the second half I finally started reacting emotionally to the story. In the first half, despite the theoretically exciting events, I just felt numb, and that's due to the very reduced graphical style with no mimics in the faces of the characters and the very bland dialogue. I'd say "it's all trauma", but we get a scene of before Sabrina's disappearance, and it's just as bland. My first reaction was that I wouldn't want to be there, not of a loving sisterly relationship between Sandra and Sabrina. Maybe if those first couple of pages had conveyed some warmth, I would have felt the contrast to the other scenes more. But even then - let the sister and boyfriend be traumatized and numb and the army friend numb and lonely, but total numbness in the journalists - really? "um... maybe call the police?" with faces devoid of any expression?

The second half is scary, but not new. This sadly is what happens in our social media world and nothing is done. Contrary to others, I liked the ending.

I don't mind there's a GN in the Booker bunch, at least it's a quick read - if you have a paper copy or a bigger screen - , and I doubt I would have liked this one better as text only.

My clueless rating is 3.5 stars for now. Half a star because I can't compare it to other GNs and can't say if it stands out.

aug 16, 2018, 1:28 pm

Wow, this was a surprise. I never read graphic novels but I really liked this one. The simple, repeating graphics and the relevant plot about conspiracy theories and the power of the media. I didn’t understand the ending 😊 but I had a surprisingly good time reading Sabrina. 3,5*

sep 2, 2018, 8:29 am

I thought Sabrina brilliant and current. I gave it 5/5 but perhaps its chances of winning are diminished because of it being a Graphic Novel and by another author from the United States.