2018 Booker Prize Longlist: The Mars Room by Rachel Kushner

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2018 Booker Prize Longlist: The Mars Room by Rachel Kushner

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jul 24, 2018, 1:08 pm

This thread is for discussion of The Mars Room by Rache Kushner. No unhidden spoiler comments, please.

aug 14, 2018, 5:59 am

There's something about this book that keeps me from calling it "great and important" and that has also kept me from posting a comment here for days. Basically it is great and important, but it has an element I can't put my finger on that makes me want to step away from it, and it's not the prison scenes. There's something fluttering, something undecided, something... I don't know. Sorry. It will certainly be shortlisted. Oh, and I rated with 3.8 = 4 stars.

aug 24, 2018, 12:43 pm

This accounts for my 4th Booker 2018 read and unfortunately I had to give it a 2 1/2 out of 5. I was hoping for something new here but it reads like a story line from the Netflix series, "Orange is the New Black". For the most part, I found the story boring. On the upside, I did enjoy Romy's first person observations and probably would have enjoyed the story more had it remained in her voice throughout.

sep 10, 2018, 4:33 am

I am not a fan of books about drugs and poverty, I have read too many of them. This one is about a poor, drug-using and lapdancing woman who ends up in prison. Books and films about prisons have its own clichés, and they are all here in the book: lousy lawyers, corruption, women being touched and hassled by male policemen not standing a chance, the poor circumstances in prison, the fights among the women, etc. Kushner writes well and I kind of liked Romy Hall, but that’s about it.

I wonder however, is this really reality in the US, this lousy criminal justice system and those circumstances in prison? Or are books and movies exaggerating?

sep 10, 2018, 8:31 am

I started reading this a couple days ago and I'm not that far into it. I liked her Flamethrowers and Telex to Cuba quite a lot though so I expect a kind of high standard. To me she is easily one of the best contemporary American writers and there's not that many living who I think are that good. Anyway for what I have read I would say so far it's been very good.