John M. Faucette (Crown of Infinity) and/or African American SciFi writers

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John M. Faucette (Crown of Infinity) and/or African American SciFi writers

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mar 12, 2019, 9:56 am

A friend of mine showed me an old mass market paperback from 1968, an Ace double, Crown of Infinity / The Prism. He expressed to me how much he loved it and so I went online trying to find him a really nice copy. His was so worn, that the back cover was missing, the front cover was detached and so were the first couple of pages. He gingerly kept together the delicate pieces of this book that he loved so much.

To my dismay, I found only a few copies online. There was only ever one print of the book. I researched the author - John M Faucette who was one of the early African American SciFi authors. I checked Worldcat and found only about 14 copies of the book across various libraries around the world.

This is a very well liked book, but the sad fact is that it may end up sliding into oblivion. I went to abe books and purchased the best edition of it that I could find to help preserve it. I will place it in my private library and protect it so my friend will have a nice copy.

When would it be possible for something like this to be represented in the Library of America or is it considered not good enough?