Cardinal Godfried Danneels RIP

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Cardinal Godfried Danneels RIP

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mar 18, 2019, 8:54 am

There's an obituary in today's Daily Telegraph (Monday) but I won't link as it's behind a paywall. I read the print version and it's quite a bit harsher than the one you link to. It talks about the decline of the Church in Belgium which it claims took place under his watch. Suggestions of cover-up of abuse (nothing new there) and also a claim that he with others engineered the election of Francis. It was nice to read your more positive link.

mar 18, 2019, 9:45 pm

I know we shouldn't speak ill of the dead, but Danneels was literally caught on tape trying to bully a child sex abuse victim into silence, a crime for which other Bishops are now being prosecuted by civil authorities.

I'm not at all comfortable with those who would overlook that as if it were of no moment.

Redigerat: mar 28, 2019, 3:39 pm

Just came across another obit from The NY Times

But these excerpts from the "Get Religion" site seem to be suggesting that the NEW YORK TIMES is skewing things a little. I've not come across the Get Religion site before so can't judge what its outlook/reliability is.

apr 6, 2019, 3:20 pm

Not an obit but a general overview from First Things

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