Free Webinar: The Oxford English Dictionary and historical text collections: Discovering new words

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Free Webinar: The Oxford English Dictionary and historical text collections: Discovering new words

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Redigerat: jun 14, 2019, 8:08 am

Free webinar...
The Oxford English Dictionary and historical text collections: Discovering new words

Join us for an overview of the University of Helsinki’s research on neologism use, and to find out how the OED can be used in digital humanities research generally.

If you’re interested in historical sociolinguistics, historical lexicology and lexicography, or in the complexities of applying computational methods to historical data, this event is for you. This webinar will also give you the chance to hear directly from Dr Säily and Dr Mäkelä about what the future holds for this and other projects using the OED, and what they wish they knew before starting the project.