Comet Interceptor - ESA mission to ambush a comet


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Comet Interceptor - ESA mission to ambush a comet

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jun 20, 2019, 1:19 am

This is neat: after years of missions to identified comets, the ESA is setting up a mission to deposit a probe at the second Earth-Sun lagrange point, and wait for an appropriate comet to be identified. It'll then be dispatched for a flyby mission of what is (hopefully) a pristine comet on its first pass of the sun.

There's a great romance to unmanned space exploration. When I was a kid I watched, transfixed, as news came in of the Giotto probe's encounter with Grigg-Skjellerup. By that point the probe had already visited Halley and was absolutely battle-scarred from collisions.

jun 20, 2019, 11:22 am

Love that idea!

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