Railheater starting in August 2019

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Railheater starting in August 2019

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aug 4, 2019, 10:36 am

Hi everyone,

I am currently reading We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal and listening to my first audiobook by Helen Macdonald called H is for Hawk.

I just started the audiobook endeavor, so I can "read" a little more in between all the meal preps, cooking, cleaning, work, etc. So far, I'm really enjoying the new experience, but I've been using hardcovers for so long that I don't think I'll ever give those up. I'm really liking the blend of my interesting adventures and discoveries, and think I'll keep my new hybrid way of reading.

I'm excited to be a part of LT and please forgive my learning curve along the way. I'll get all this eventually, lol.

Thanks for letting me be here.

sep 6, 2019, 6:02 pm

August 2019 Reading:

1. Devil in the Wind by Frank Prem
2. Sweet Hell on Fire by Sara Lunsford narrated by Susan Marlowe
3. The Butterfly Recluse by Therese Heckenkamp
4. Moving Abroad: The Essentials by Diana Firican
5. The Coincidence of Coconut Cake by Amy E. Reichert
6. Diwali the magical diyas: A Diwali Story by Anitha Rathod
7. True Ghost Stories: to chill your bones: Tales for After-Dark: True Ghost Stories by Steph Young
8. Boneyard Dogs: A Paignton Noir Mystery by Tom Liens

This past month's reading were all very enjoyable. I loved most of the readings for various reasons:

1.) For its poetry and the images and feelings it evoked.
2.) Loved the way the author portrayed ownership of her actions.
3.) Clean, sweet summer romance story, and I love butterflies.
4.) Appreciated how informative, comprehensive, and compact this little gem was.
5.) Loved how this story ended up making me look at coconut in a whole new way.
6.) Enjoyed and appreciated learning more about Hinduism and the familial traditions associated with Diwali.
7.) I did like that I'd never heard of any of these true ghost stories before, but I felt that a little more time would have polished out some of the things that ultimately felt distracting from the writing for me.
8.) A hard read at times as things were revealed, but it did not detract from the overall tough guy experience of the character's world for me.