Need help to find this book

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Need help to find this book

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aug 21, 2019, 10:56 pm

Hi i forgot the tittle of this book and arthur but would love if you guys can help its about a murder whos not really a murder get realsed from jail and these group of girls go to this night club where they always go and then on of the girls i thinnk go homes with someone and gets killed the same way the girl that murder did and the murder whos not the murder starts dating and falls in love with the narrator and then another killing happens she finds out that the guy shes dating is the guy who left jail and he told her that he didnt kill any of the grils and that thats why he got of jail because they coulnt link any of the deaths to him and then another killing happen in the end the bartender at the night club turns out to be the murder and he told her that he killed the girls because the guys friend killed his sister cayse tehy were drunk and thye just left her there and he got arrested and yeahh

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