Work combination pages: add icon to show Disambiguation notices

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Work combination pages: add icon to show Disambiguation notices

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mar 25, 2020, 3:59 am

On the pages to Combine works, any chance of adding a small, colored icon to show which works have a Disamiguation Notice?

I know that I sometimes forget to check the work pages before combining. A solid, simple icon could indicate that a work's Disambiguation Notice field has something in it.

(What the icon should look like and what color is a different question, for which I have no answer at the moment.)

Redigerat: mar 25, 2020, 4:33 am

If there are disambiguation notices you will see them. This was implemented some time ago.

Try combining with and (on the workbench) to see some of the current notices.

mar 25, 2020, 7:36 am

>2 MarthaJeanne: Odd, I'm not seeing any notices, in the workbench or on the Combine from workbench page.

Perhaps this is a bug?

Using latest Firefox (74.0) on Windows 10.

mar 25, 2020, 7:40 am

>2 MarthaJeanne: Aha! Info does show up on the regular Combine works page (reached from the Combine works: Jane Austen page. (I used Emma titles instead of P & P, but it worked.)

Redigerat: mar 25, 2020, 7:44 am

I get them from the workbench, too, once I ask to combine.