Online Training for Staff: LinkedIn or others..

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Online Training for Staff: LinkedIn or others..

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mar 25, 2020, 3:29 pm

I’m looking for recommendations for online training for library staff. With Penn State’s libraries closed to both public and staff we are scrambling trying to find work related activities that our staff can do from home. My department is Lending Services, so a large portion of our day to day jobs is impossible to replicate in a virtual, work from home environment. While all of our full timers have one or two projects that can be done from home it won’t be enough to keep them occupied at home for what is looking to be a long time. Penn State has already announced that the remainder of the Spring Semester (ends May 8) will be done online. Have no idea if we will be able to reopen the library before then or not.

Penn State does have paid access to LinkedIn learning, formerly I am trying to dig through their customer service offerings but there is so much to sort through.

Any suggestions?

Also, we are going to try and keep our part time and student employees via work from home options as well. So if there are any suggestions specifically for them, I’m all ears.

mar 25, 2020, 8:08 pm

Possible activities:

Be the host of online classes for instructors/faculty
Write or update manuals for library work
Write or update libguides for various subject areas
Analyze resources to confirm and/or improve linking to resources
Develop short tutorials for how to do X through the library