John R. Hale Lords of the Sea (Item #2678068/LMH#104-249; $85)

DiskuteraEaston Press Collectors

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John R. Hale Lords of the Sea (Item #2678068/LMH#104-249; $85)

jul 17, 2020, 3:50 pm

It looks like this might be available from Military History #104 for a cheaper price?

jul 19, 2020, 6:37 am

>2 AgaEP: Is anyone still getting the Military Hisotry mailers? Even though I have repeatedly bought from the collection, I have not received a flyer. If I want the current list, I have to call customer service.

jul 19, 2020, 9:03 am

I have to ask for a list too. I have not seen a flyer in some time.

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