Beauty Mark: A Verse Novel of Marilyn Monroe by Carole Boston Weatherford

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Beauty Mark: A Verse Novel of Marilyn Monroe by Carole Boston Weatherford

jul 22, 2020, 3:59 pm

Beauty Mark: A Verse Novel of Marilyn Monroe by Carole Boston Weatherford

A fantastic retelling of the life of Marilyn Monroe. Told in verse form through "Marilyn's" voice. Starting from her childhood with (a) brief family history. The sad beginnings of her young (lonely) tumultuous life, leading into adulthood. Also delving into her short career, her failed (romantic) relationships, to her pill dependency and ultimate tragic death. One of the most fascinating (books) I have read of the life and death of Marilyn Monroe. I highly recommend Beauty Mark: A Verse Novel of Marilyn Monroe .