Happy to be here but a little confused

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Happy to be here but a little confused

Redigerat: maj 5, 2021, 2:07 am

Sorry if this a a daft question, but I am confused about Giveaways. Once I put a book on a giveaway. How do I give it away? I assumed you uploaded to site. However I went though the process and tapped add book... it said book added. I read terms and conditions but could find nothing
Do people contact me by email and I send them the book or universal book link?
regards and stay safe

maj 5, 2021, 10:29 am


How do I give it away? I assumed you uploaded to site.

No, you do not upload it to the site. I cannot imagine the mess if authors were allowed to do that. You must "specify the file type/format (epub, mobi, PDF, etc.) in the description of your giveaway", and, when the winners are chosen, you will send them the link to that.

Do people contact me by email

No. Once the MG is closed, winners are selected randomly. You will notify them and, as indicated above, provide them the link, provide them with the .pdf, etc., as appropriate.

Note: You agree to never share the mailing addresses that you're given, and never to send anything other than the book.

As this is, apparently, an ebook, also note: you cannot giveaway books that are freely available elsewhere. This means you cannot post eBooks that you also provide free access to online.

All of this information is provided here: https://wiki.librarything.com/index.php/HelpThing:Er/List#How_do_I_give_away_boo... I don't know how you missed it!