
DiskuteraFiber Arts

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apr 18, 2008, 1:53 pm

So I alter formal dresses, including a lot of wedding dresses. I often cut off quite a bit of tulle when hemming the dresses. Just wondering whether anyone uses tulle for some craft or another and if you'd like some (free)? I feel like there should be a good use for it, but I keep having to throw it away because I can't find one.

Redigerat: apr 19, 2008, 9:31 pm

I saw this on telly ,either on Carol Duval or the Quilting show.You put down a base fabric, upon which you sprinkle threads,scraps,yarn,glitttery things. Then the tulle is placed on top and the whole thing is quilted together.
there's also a way to do it with an iron instead of stitching,using a melty fiber .-E

maj 7, 2008, 8:47 pm

I love scraps. Great for collaging together. Is this usually nylon or poly?

maj 13, 2008, 10:38 pm

Almost always nylon. There is the occasional poly though.

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