I, Libertine

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I, Libertine

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nov 27, 2006, 1:26 am

well this seems as close to the right forum as we have.


Redigerat: nov 27, 2006, 1:52 am

I miss Shep.

I discovered him in the '60s, long after the I,Libertine hoax.

(Edited to marvel that there are only two, count 'em: two! copies on LT)

nov 27, 2006, 2:15 am

Oh, and might as well make a touchstone here for

Jean Shepherd.

He's achieved immortality through the movie A Christmas Story.

I used to listen to him late-nights on WOR-AM out of New York; I even saw him live, back in 'ought '72. Heck, back in the '70s, he did a monthly column for Car and Driver magazine.

So the I,Libertine story reaches me on a lot of levels: it's Shep, it's also Theodore Sturgeon, it's late-night radio (I've done radio myself...), it's mock Samuel Pepys - - and it's a goof on the America public.

What's not to like?

jun 14, 2007, 12:37 am

There are two copies for sale on Amazon... $100 and $250. I'll have to keep an eye out at yard sales for that one :)