Bound for Evil

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Bound for Evil

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sep 5, 2008, 5:37 pm

I wonder whether folks in this group know about the book BOUND FOR EVIL, edited by Tom English. It's a small press book, and pretty much has to be ordered on line, either from the publisher, or from dealers who specialize in horror and fantasy books. It's a very thick book, chock-a-block with stories that are all about books. Most have a supernatural or fantastical aspect. I suppose it's not for everyone, but if it sounds interesting to you it's worth a try. Personally I think it's great. Not cheap, but 800 pages of high quality stories in a very nicely done package (which I know bookish folks will appreciate.) I think it ought to be noticed more, and so I thought I'd post to a couple of the LT groups I'm in. And no, I'm not Tom English.

okt 7, 2008, 1:22 am

Sounds interesting.