Colleen Gleason

DiskuteraVampire Fiction

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Colleen Gleason

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okt 31, 2008, 8:56 am

Has anyone read the Gardella Vampire Chronicles? I've read the 4 that are out and have really enjoyed them. It's set in regency England and the main character is a vampire hunter. What does everyone else think of the series?

Titles are:
The Bleeding Dusk
The Rest Falls Away
Rises the Night
When Twilight Burns

okt 31, 2008, 12:57 pm

I have not heard of these, but the discriptions sound interesting. (Four more books added to the Christmas wishlist!)

okt 31, 2008, 7:56 pm

I have not read them, but they are all on my want to read list! And one of them is even in my TBR pile right now. :) Once I read all of them, I'll let ya know what I think of them, but from what I've heard about them, I'm sure I'll love them!

nov 7, 2008, 2:51 pm

I have read the first 3 and have the 4th now. I really like them - the setting adds interest, too. I like the modern/techno settings but these books are a nice break.

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