Book Dating Help Again

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Book Dating Help Again

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Redigerat: dec 30, 2008, 9:42 am

Does anyone know of good dates for when these editions of these books were published?
The Blithedale Romance by Nathaniel Hawthorne, published by Donohue Brothers, Chicago and New York. The cover looks 20th century.
Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb, published by A.L. Burt and Company, New York. The cover is very plain and does not give me any clue to its approximate age.
A six-volume set of Thackeray's Works. I'm not sure if it's complete, because the volumes aren't numbered. The covers look like they're from between the 1870s and 1920s. They were published by Belford, Clarke & Company of Chicago and New York. The books are listed in my library if you want to know the titles of the individual volumes.
I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me find the dates these were published. I've already checked WorldCat and couldn't find any information.
Oh, one more. A fifteen-volume set of Washington Irving's works, published by New York and London: The Co-operative Publication Society, Inc.

Redigerat: dec 29, 2008, 6:47 pm

1. The Hawthorne is dated in WorldCat to {1852?}.

2. The Lamb gets a n.d. there, and none of the linked libraries give a date either.

3. The Thackerays - looks like several undated editions were published by Burt in the 1880s, so yours is probably one of those.

feb 14, 2011, 4:57 pm

Donohue Brothers was an imprint that preceded M.A. Donohue. The Donohue Brothers imprint was used for just a couple years around 1899-1900. That is almost certainly the date of your reprint of the Hawthorne book.

A.L. Burt was active around the same time period. Most of their stuff was done between 1885 and 1935 so it would depend on the overall appearance of the book. Perahaps 1890-1900 would be a good guess but as with anything, "it depends."

James Keeline