Bill Amberg leather-bound classics

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Bill Amberg leather-bound classics

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Redigerat: jan 5, 2009, 4:44 pm

Has anyone bought one of these yet? I found Dorian Gray at a great price but it's still a bit expensive to buy without reading any reviews since I haven't seen on in the flesh, so to speak! I can't find any reviews of them at all...

jan 5, 2009, 4:50 pm

They look great on the Penguin UK website, but it doesn't look like they're available in the US.

jan 5, 2009, 4:58 pm

They do look nice don't they? But it's so frustrating that I can't seem to locate anyone on the planet who HAS one to give some idea of whether they're as good as they look... Fingers crossed someone here has one, if I can't find any glowing reviews here I won't find one anywhere!

jan 6, 2009, 9:54 am

Hi there I am new to this message forum, but I thought you would like to know that I have just bought the leather bound penguin classics at Waterstones. They usually retail at £50 each but they are on sale at £20 each at the moment - In store only. Ring around, as they are not available in all branches. The leather binding is beautiful and each book comes with an attached "luggage label" type bookmark. The books feel lovely and smell wonderful. When you consider how much Bill Amberg charges for his other designer goods these volumes are a bargain at £20. The books are also available direct from Bill Amberg's website at £30 each. Hope this info was of some use to those of you considering making a purchase - I am still drooling over my books!

jan 6, 2009, 12:48 pm

Thank you so much - that was exactly what I was after! They're on the Penguin website with free postage for £20 right now... I'll have another look now I know they're worth the money.