The Book of the Craft of Dying

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The Book of the Craft of Dying

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jan 14, 2009, 9:12 am

Is anyone aware of a print-to-order house carrying The Book of the Craft of Dying (ed. FRANCES M. M. COMPER)? It is difficult to locate an affordable copy. Thank you.

jan 14, 2009, 9:29 am

Geez, Ben, you're starting to scare me. First The Tibetan Book of the Dead, now this.

If you're planning a trip, why worry about the cost? Let your next of kin worry about the Visa bill.

jan 14, 2009, 9:35 am

Until you get your text, Death in the Middle Ages has a chapter on the Ars moriendi. And of course The Hour of Our Death is a classic.

I like to read mine whilst lounging in a silk-lined casket.

Redigerat: jan 14, 2009, 9:45 am

Beach reading, my friend: no worries; I am concerned, though, that the porters of the chonyid bardo might not accept plastic.

The valuable (to me) thing about the title I am after is that it is a collection of medieval manuscripts in translation.