New books for the holidays?

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New books for the holidays?

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dec 26, 2006, 1:55 pm

Dear friends,
As any of you might have guessed, I asked for (and received) books as holiday gifts. I love to ask folks what they are reading, and so at this time of year, I ask, "What books did you get for the holidays?" If you feel like sharing, please do. I am always looking for recommendations, even though my "to read" list is so long!

To start us off, here are some of the books I got:
Farewell summer by Ray Bradbury. City of Fallen Angels by J. Berendt, More Poetry 180 by Billy Collins, I capture the castle by Dodie Smith (based on LibraryThing recommendations), A Timbered Choir by Wendell Berry and Echo Maker by Richard Powers.

Would love to hear what you got!