code mess to be substituted out and absolute links to be supersede by relative links

DiskuteraTranslating LibraryThing? (General Talk)

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code mess to be substituted out and absolute links to be supersede by relative links

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dec 28, 2006, 5:24 pm

Please substitute out some code in :

In addition to the guidelines below, you can read and post to the <a href="">general translation group forum</a>. Every language also has its own forum, available from the <a href="">translation homepage</a>. You can also email Tim (<span style="white-space: nowrap;">tim<img src="pics/squiggle.gif" width="13" height="13" hspace="3" alt="AT SIGN"></span>) or Abby (<span style="white-space: nowrap;">abby<img src="pics/squiggle.gif" width="13" height="13" hspace="3" alt="AT SIGN"></span>) with questions, concerns or ideas.

for in this shape (see above; originating from About : Translation and its corresponding translation page), no acceptable result can be provided, for LT will mess up the code and thus make it crap.

AND, furthermore, once again and once more : Please remember :

(Please tell me how I could/should try and make this clear.)