Used Kindle in Book Store

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Used Kindle in Book Store

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apr 3, 2009, 1:49 pm

Has anyone taken their Kindle into a bookstore (i.e. Barnes & Noble), browsed some books and then purchased the book(s) on their Kindle? Even while in the store?

I'm just trying to get an idea on where people draw the line.

apr 3, 2009, 3:27 pm

Sure. I browse through the store, and if I see something interesting, I'd certainly check to see if it's available on Kindle (assuming it's not some book that I'm set on buying in treeware anyway). And if it's not available on Kindle, then I might buy it from the store. Why not? People use their cell phones for instant messaging in stores, don't they? Sometimes, though, if I'm feeling a little shy, I go into the wash room and check out my Kindle in a stall.

Actually, my favorite "Kindle in a store" story was at Borders, but it didn't involve checking out a book on Kindle. This nice young lady, a Borders employee I assume, was walking the floor trying to interest customers in the Sony e-book reader. She came up to me and I thanked her but told her I had a Kindle. When she asked me how I liked it, I told her in great detail just how much better it was than Sony, and since I have a rather loud voice, just about everyone in the store heard my advertisement for Amazon. It may have cut down on her Sony sale that evening. But she asked me, didn't she?

apr 3, 2009, 3:35 pm

I have browsed books at Barnes & Noble, but haven't taken my kindle out while I am in the store. My husband purchases lots of books, so I shouldn't feel guilty. I guess I am a bit self-conscious. I would like to read it while sitting in the coffee shop area. Other people are using their computers, so why not? I just haven't.

Sign me,

The Timid One

jun 3, 2009, 4:15 am

I have no problem browsing B&N or Borders for books to purchase on the Kindle. Frankly I prefer to keep the small stores in business. Generally I buy my computer/reference books in paper form and keep the rest on the kindle. Its still nice to reference a paper book sometimes. (In some cases, I have both kindle and paper)

I just wish Amazon would kill the DRM thing.. It seriously makes no sense. If they are that concerned with piracy, make it so that an ebook has to be "checked out" on each device. That way, no two people can read the exact same ebook at the same time.

sep 27, 2009, 9:42 am

While I've not brought my kindle into a bookstore, I have certainly browsed Librarything (mobile) there mostly to make sure I hadn't already bought the book, and/or used a phone/PDA based shopping list of books to note it down for future purposes. So Kindle, not in the store so far (nor the bathroom ;-), but it's a fine point. I am a big supporter of bookstores, especially the small mom & pop ones, and normally throw them business every trip there. I "get" that they need to make money, to preserve the environment, so that I can see the books, and while the sample read on a Kindle is a pretty close approximation, it is really nice to be go in and see the recommendations and so forth in a physical store. With Borders and B&N are out or soon will be out with in store eBook readers and kiosks, I sometimes wonder if there isn't some sort of deal that private booksellers might not work out with Amazon, where there's either a kiosk from Amazon in their stores, or some way of referring sales for the Amazon kick-back. Even though I still buy physical books, my much preferred format (at least for fiction and text-mostly non-fiction) is eBooks, so the ideal for me would be to somehow be able to browse the physical store, and buy the Kindle format book.