Did you ever hand a BC-registered book to a stranger?


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Did you ever hand a BC-registered book to a stranger?

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jan 20, 2007, 12:54 pm

If so, please share your experience.

2KitsuneCharmed Första inlägget
feb 8, 2007, 3:38 pm

Well... of course, SqueakyChu. That's what we do, isn't it?


Or is it the actual method of delivery you're asking about? Handing it to someone, as opposed to leaving it for someone to find?

Oh, yes. :-) My favorite release spot is my local Starbuck's. The way I handle any wild release that includes a lot of potential witnesses: I take the book from my bag, open it up, and start reading. I read until the people who may have seen that I brought the book with me are all gone. Then I set it down on another table or near the cash register, and leave it - but on some occasions, I've started to put it down, and someone has caught sight of the yellow sticky (I AM NOT LOST) on the front.

'Is that yours?' they've inquired. I deny ownership, and hand it over. I've done that six or seven times, and watched the person's reaction to my former book. Sometimes they set it down, and sometimes they take it. They almost always smile.

BookCrossing is such fun!

Redigerat: feb 8, 2007, 8:26 pm

I was actually talking about physically handing a book over to a stranger. It is such fun to do.

I've done it a few times.

The first was in a cafe. A young boy was there with his parents. I asked the boy if he liked to read the Hardy Boys. When he said yes and with his parents' permission, I gave him the book. I didn't want it to seem as if I was after young boys! :-D I did not get a journal entry.

I passed out books to people at two different book festivals. At one in Kensington, Maryland, I set up a table and gave away 25 books. I only got 2 journal entries.

At the National Book Festival, I also gave away books...some to strangers and others to LibraryThingamabrarians (who are also BookCrossers). Of the ones I gave to strangers, I don't think I got any journal entries.

I agree. BookCrossing and LT are my two very favorite addictions at this time.

feb 17, 2007, 6:18 pm

Yes I have - here in Birmingham in the Uk we have a very active group. We often have stalls at festival events locally, where we give away lots and lots of books to people over several hours. To relieve the bordom of standing on the street by the side of a trestle table - we resorted last time - to handing books to people through the open windows of their cars as they pulled up at the traffic lights by our stall, we got some hilarious reactions. It was great fun - one bcer even threw a book with fire in the title through the open window of a fire engine - the firefighters thought we were all bonkers.