book magazines

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book magazines

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aug 21, 2009, 12:05 am

Anyone have recommendations for good magazines about book collecting?

Redigerat: aug 21, 2009, 4:54 am

sep 23, 2009, 10:09 pm


Bear with me as I am new to LT. However, I have been collecting books for a while (Panama Canal) and thought the following may be of interest.

Firsts mentioned in the prior post is very good. Rare Book Review is printed in trhe UK and can be quite pricey, every once in a while they show up at B&N. However, if you are near any major antiquarian book fairs, they usually have free copies on a table.

Fine Books and Collections used to publish a hard copy, but went digital a several months ago. It has a e-newsletter along with its monthly website that you may find of interest.


sep 23, 2009, 10:20 pm

It looks like Rare Book Review may have also went digital?

sep 24, 2009, 12:25 pm

They were supposed to, then didn't, now I don't know. Let me also recommend Book Source Magazine: It's small, but cheap and they cover many interesting topics. It is now the only book collecting mag I can get at a newsstand in the Oklahoma City area. And even then, it's spotty. I can get them at my local Books-A-Million, and usually the only reason I stop at one.