Afternoon Play - The Loop

DiskuteraBBC Radio 4 Listeners

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Afternoon Play - The Loop

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dec 29, 2009, 4:12 am

A couple of weeks ago I heard a fascinating play called the Loop - a kind 0f mystery time warp play. The idea was so clever I had to listen to it again. I also became interested in the old ScFi series The Twilight Zone - which I vaguely remember but cannot actually recall watching it. Anyone else hear the play or remember the Twilight Zone?

jan 1, 2010, 11:46 pm

I missed the play. I tried to hear it on iplayer, but I think they've taken it off.
They have a lot of the twilight zone on BBC radio 7. Do you ever listen to that station?

mar 7, 2010, 4:49 am

Yes - I do go into Radio 7 but have not heard The Twilight Zone - will certainly look out for it as I so enjoyed The Loop. Sorry it took ages to get back to you . I don't always understand how to negotiate Librarything.