The King's Rose book giveaway

DiskuteraEnglish History - Tudor through Edwardian

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The King's Rose book giveaway

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jan 8, 2010, 3:53 pm

Hi everyone,

Would anyone be interested in a free book? My young adult novel about Catherine Howard, The King's Rose, was released last year. I would be thrilled to give away a few copies if anyone is interested! I've noticed that a few more novels about Miss Howard are being released (one last October and I think two will come out this year) so I'm even more eager to get my book into the hands of you tudor fiction buffs!

Let me know if you're interested,
Alisa Libby

jan 13, 2010, 7:18 pm

As of now, I'm out of books to give away. I'll certainly post again when I have more.
