Team Bella?

DiskuteraTwilight Club

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Team Bella?

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Redigerat: jan 21, 2010, 7:48 pm

One of the criticism I've heard of the Twilight series is of the Bella character. To put it most succinctly, the claim is that there's a "Team Edward" and a "Team Jacob," but no Team Bella.

My response to that has been that EVERYONE is on Team Bella. After all, the concept of a team comes from the idea that two things are in opposition to each other, which is what is going on with Edward and Jacob, hence the "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob" labels. I say since there is no opposition to Bella, no competition for her, there has been no need for fans of Twilight to proclaim themselves to be on her team. We are, in essence, all on Team Bella.

Am I right?

mar 26, 2010, 11:27 pm

I think the real complaint about Bella is the character herself, and by that I mean the lack thereof character. She is in general just a very bland, unexciting, un-dynamic character that just comes off as a very annoying and unattractive heroine.

In response to you making the claim that there is no opposition to Bella, I think that in criticizing Bella's character you find that her real opposition is herself. If Meyer were to have written in a second heroine to compete with Bella it would have completely changed the book, because from how I see it, just about any other girl would have won out over her. So in essence, technically speaking you could say we are all on Team Bella. Just that would also include people who are anti-Bella.