Latin grammars

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Latin grammars

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mar 4, 2007, 12:02 pm

What's the best medium sized Latin grammar?

2CaveatLector Första inlägget
mar 4, 2007, 12:30 pm

I think that Bennet is quite good myself. Check my Library under 'New Latin Grammar'

mar 5, 2007, 10:47 pm

Bennett's New Latin Grammar is useful, accessible, and (I think) inexpensive. It's also far shorter than the rest, following a trend of grammars produced in Germany in the late 19th century, to focus upon the essentials. Bennett championed this approach in another work on the teaching of Latin in the schools, and successfully carried it out here.

It has little competition there.

For larger grammars the traditional favorite seems to be Allen & Greenough, while many academics today champion Gildersleeve & Lodge.

I like to have multiple grammars handy because each has its strengths and occasionally you find what you're looking for more readily in one than another, depending on the terminology used or how well a given topic is indexed.

I regularly find use for Allen & Greenough, Hale & Buck (a personal favorite), Gildersleeve & Lodge, and even a few older grammars like those by George M. Lane or Albert Harkness. Lane is especially thorough, but only available used. I've purchased almost all of my grammars used and usually spend about $1 a piece, which is atypical.

mar 8, 2007, 3:29 pm

Thanks for your advice about Latin grammars. I'll check out suggestions in the bookshop asap. Meanwhile my Kennedy's revised Latin primer (1962) allows me to indulge in nostalgia.

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