Book Depository competition

DiskuteraThe Drones Club (all things P.G. Wodehouse)

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Book Depository competition

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mar 16, 2010, 4:44 am

H folks

The Book Depository are having a free-to-enter Wodehouse competition. The brilliant prize is a full set of all 70 Everyman's editions of Wodehouse

mar 16, 2010, 8:14 am

Cool, thanks scarper!

mar 16, 2010, 10:21 am

The questions are too easy.

mar 17, 2010, 5:12 am

>3 jimroberts:
...but well-chosen: the prize will obviously do most good if it goes to someone interested in Wodehouse who hasn't read any of the books yet.

But there's nothing to lose, so why not? All we have to do is give Book Depository our addresses, and I suspect most of us here have already done that anyway. I'm just a bit worried by the bit of boiler-plate in the conditions of entry that says "Entries are subject to verification and will be declared invalid if they are ... mechanically reproduced ...". So they can invalidate all our entries by printing out the emails themselves. Cunning!