Gardeners, start your bookpiles


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Gardeners, start your bookpiles

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mar 9, 2007, 12:17 pm

If you didn't realize it, LT sponsors book pile contests, photos of a pile of your books, based on a theme. This month, there's two themes, women's history and spring, which includes gardening. More information here.It's our opportunity to show the rest of the reading world that there's a lot more to gardening books than they thought. Past book piles and the winners can be viewed here. There used to be a requirement to have a white background to the photo, but I don't think that's necessary anymore, though you do want to have an uncluttered background. I plan on putting my stack in front of the refrigerator. It would not be difficult to have a gardening pile with only women authors, either. The prize isn't bad, so I hope lots of you gardeners take up the challenge!

mar 9, 2007, 7:48 pm

What a great idea while we are suffering from cabin fever waiting for spring!

mar 30, 2007, 12:53 pm

You've got less than 24 hours to get your gardening bookpile submitted to Flickr. Tag it LibraryThingMarch. Go here to see all the entries. Unfortunately it is also a Women's History bookpile contest. (Unfortunate because it dilutes the bookpile theme, not because women have history.) My favorite is Spring Chicks Dig Chick Lit by Pesky Library.

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