An idea for a blog?

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An idea for a blog?

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mar 14, 2007, 11:58 pm

Hi all,

I'm usually just a lurker here in the Made into a Movie group, but I have an idea I'd like to throw out and see what you think.

I am considering starting a team blog for readers who would want to discuss the "casting" of the main characters in the books we read. When I read fiction, I always imagine the characters as either people I know or famous folks like actors and actresses.

For example, I read The Birth of Venus earlier this year, and all sorts of possibilities for the roles popped into my head. Who would make the best Alessandra? Scarlett Johansson, maybe? Who would play the mother? Anjelica Houston?

I'm wondering if this idea might be even the slightest bit popular, and if you think I could find people who would participate on a regular basis in blogging about and discussing their casting choices for books they read. I think it would be great fun, but sometimes I come up with zany ideas that only I consider to be cool. :)

What do you think? Honesty is highly appreciated. If my idea isn't clear, please feel free to ask questions.

Thanks in advance!

apr 30, 2007, 4:19 pm

I think that would be a great idea and it sounds like fun. If you did actually do that I would be on there and supporting you
