Jet Mykles' readers please congregate here! Cookies for all who share.

DiskuteraM/M Romance... A cocky li'l group

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Jet Mykles' readers please congregate here! Cookies for all who share.

Denna diskussion är för närvarande "vilande"—det sista inlägget är mer än 90 dagar gammalt. Du kan återstarta det genom att svara på inlägget.

jul 21, 2010, 8:00 pm

For your cookie, we ask you...

What stories of Jet Mykles' have you read?

Which characters have clawed their way into your heart?

Favorite scenes?

Love, sex, suspense or laughter? What lasting feeling did Jet Mykles leave with you?

No need to be shy, friends! I personally guarantee no tomatoes or virtual flames will be thrown in this house... cookie crumbs might be another matter. lol

aug 14, 2010, 10:08 am

Has anyone read the Dark Elves series? I read 1-4 then jumped to book 6 - Awakening. I'm wondering if I missed a lot because there are some references I don't understand. So I was wondering if anyone could tell me if I really need to get the 5th book to fill in what I'm missing?