alternative flea treatments

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alternative flea treatments

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Redigerat: sep 21, 2010, 6:49 pm

Does anyone have a way to kill fleas that
A) Doesn't cost a fortune
B) Doesn't dry your doggies skin out so they itch even more?

sep 23, 2010, 4:32 pm

No alternative treatments for us.
Both boys have been using FrontLine Plus forever. Last month I switched Finnegan to the pill (Comfortis), when we found both boys had fleas. It wasn't a topical treatment, but after a week he didn't have any more fleas. We put the FrontLine on Kirby and about the same time he was over his fleas. Jump to a month later and Kirby had fleas again, but Finnegan didn't. Poor Kirby got the treatment again, and I continued Finnegan on the pill.

I don't know what it is but we've had a higher number of neighbor hood dogs roaming into our yard lately. We spray and use granuals, but it's been a problem the last few months. The dogs are supposed to be on a leash or in a fenced area.

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