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Gottlos av Karin Slaughter

Gottlos (urspr publ 2005; utgåvan 2008)

av Karin Slaughter, Karin Slaughter (Författare)

Serier: Grant County (5), Sara Linton (5)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
2,423596,527 (3.8)66
Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:“Brilliant plotting, relentless suspense,” raved the Washington Post. “A new synonym for terror,” crowned the Detroit Free Press. The critics agree: no one writes suspense like Karin Slaughter, whose thrillers featuring medical examiner Sara Linton and her ex-husband, police chief Jeffrey Tolliver, have propelled her to the top of bestseller lists the world over. Now Slaughter fuses her unmatched grasp of forensic science and a mastery of complex relationships in a riveting tale of faith, doubt, and murder.

The victim was buried alive in the Georgia woods—then killed in a horrifying fashion. When Sara Linton and Jeffrey Tolliver stumble upon the body, both become consumed with finding out who killed the pretty, impeccably dressed young woman. And for Sara and Jeffrey, a harrowing journey begins, one that will test their own turbulent relationship and draw dozens of lives into the case.

Lena Adams is one of them. A Grant County detective for years, she has her own reasons for being drawn to this case and a fierce drive to see justice done. For these three people, who have each seen the darkest side of human nature, the body of the murdered girl is but the first in a series of shocking and sordid revelations.

Now, as Jeffrey and Sara narrow the field of suspects, they must confront their own doubts and indiscretions, while Lena Adams sees herself reflected in the frightened eyes of a battered woman who may be the key figure in the case. As Faithless builds to a stunning and unforgettable climax, Karin Slaughter masterfully brings together strands of interlocking lives, family secrets, and hidden passions with one astounding truth: the identity of a killer who is more evil and dangerous than anyone could have guessed.

BONUS: This edition includes an excerpt from Karin Slaughter's Unseen..
… (mer)
Författare:Karin Slaughter
Andra författare:Karin Slaughter (Författare)
Info:Rowohlt TB-V. Rnb. (2008), Edition: 8, Broschiert, 512 pages
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Faithless av Karin Slaughter (2005)


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  Mucellin | Jan 25, 2024 |
"A walk in the woods takes a sinister turn for police chief Jeffrey Tolliver and medical examiner Sara Linton when they stumble across the body of a young girl. Incarcerated in the ground, all the initial evidence indicates that she has, quite literally, been scared to death."
The author never fails to deliver on the horror of death and the false faces everyone provides in order to hide their own evil secrets. I am a staunch reader of horror and thriller type mysteries. I have learned that when I read Ms. Slaughter's work, I am going to be pulled into death and misery to an extent that you can viscerally feel the pain through her description of each scene. ( )
  Lcmcsr | Apr 7, 2023 |
Hay muchas formas de morir, pero unas son más aterradoras que otras... Un paseo por el bosque se convierte en algo siniestro para el jefe de policía Jeffrey Tolliver y la forense Sara Linton, cuando topan con el cuerpo de una joven. Las evidencias iniciales sugieren que ha sido asustada literalmente hasta la muerte. Pero cuando Sara comienza a hacer la autopsia, algo todavía más horripilante sale a la luz... Algo que incluso conmociona a Sara. La detective Lena Adams es llamada durante sus vacaciones para resolver el caso, y la pista pronto conduce al condado vecino, una comunidad aislada y a un terrible secreto.
  Natt90 | Jan 31, 2023 |
FAITHLESS is a book in Karin Slaughter's Grant County series. I’ve read most of her books, which is a testament to what a great writer she is, particularly of mysteries/thrillers. But I read them as I find them in used bookstores, so out of order, and I still enjoy the heck out of them. But good for you if you can read them in order.

The three main characters in this series are Jeffrey Tolliver, Grant County’s police chief; Sara Linton, Tolliver's ex-wife, a pediatrician, and Grant County's coroner; and Lena Adams, a Grant County detective who works for Tolliver. All three become involved in the workings of a church (or is it a cult?) after Tolliver and Linton stumble across the body of one of its members in a coffin buried in the woods. She had been buried alive. Did she suffocate? Or was she poisoned? Have other church members suffered the same fate?

Both Tolliver and Adams investigate, while Linton mostly acts as Tolliver's sounding board, although she too becomes involved to a lesser extent. They find a church run by a particular large family. Now can they find out why the dead woman, a member of this family, was buried alive and who did it? As a result of their investigation, they find so much more about the church and about the family that runs it.

Because I’ve been reading Slaughter's two series out of order, I’ve already read the next book, BEYOND REACH. Luckily, I have it in my bookcase so I can skim through it to remind myself of what happens next. ( )
  techeditor | Oct 10, 2022 |
Lots of craziness in this one, which can be expected when you mix in religious extremist nuts, soap opera love affairs, and of course, Lena being her same old crazy self. There's a lot of battered woman syndrome in this book, and I'll have to admit, I don't really understand it. But it gets compared with drug addiction, and makes a little more sense at times. But I do have trouble when a cop like Lena has that problem, as she's not your typical frightened victim afraid of her own shadow - except around her worthless boyfriend for some reason. However, some of the victims in this book are very young girls who don't know any better, especially when the perpetrators are either family members or very close adults they've known all their lives. Very sad what these people are capable of doing.

I usually feel sympathetic for Lena, but at the end, she does something so dumb I have trouble maintaining my sympathy. In fact, I need to read the next book in the series to find out the results of this bit of stupidity. ( )
  MartyFried | Oct 9, 2022 |
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Slaughter, Karinprimär författarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Lenting, InekeÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Thoreau, PaulTraductionmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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Rain had saturated the forest floor, soaking twigs and fallen limbs so that they bent without snapping.
Chapter One

Sara Linton stood at the front door of her parents' house holding so many plastic grocery bags in her hands that she couldn't feel her fingers.
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Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:“Brilliant plotting, relentless suspense,” raved the Washington Post. “A new synonym for terror,” crowned the Detroit Free Press. The critics agree: no one writes suspense like Karin Slaughter, whose thrillers featuring medical examiner Sara Linton and her ex-husband, police chief Jeffrey Tolliver, have propelled her to the top of bestseller lists the world over. Now Slaughter fuses her unmatched grasp of forensic science and a mastery of complex relationships in a riveting tale of faith, doubt, and murder.

The victim was buried alive in the Georgia woods—then killed in a horrifying fashion. When Sara Linton and Jeffrey Tolliver stumble upon the body, both become consumed with finding out who killed the pretty, impeccably dressed young woman. And for Sara and Jeffrey, a harrowing journey begins, one that will test their own turbulent relationship and draw dozens of lives into the case.

Lena Adams is one of them. A Grant County detective for years, she has her own reasons for being drawn to this case and a fierce drive to see justice done. For these three people, who have each seen the darkest side of human nature, the body of the murdered girl is but the first in a series of shocking and sordid revelations.

Now, as Jeffrey and Sara narrow the field of suspects, they must confront their own doubts and indiscretions, while Lena Adams sees herself reflected in the frightened eyes of a battered woman who may be the key figure in the case. As Faithless builds to a stunning and unforgettable climax, Karin Slaughter masterfully brings together strands of interlocking lives, family secrets, and hidden passions with one astounding truth: the identity of a killer who is more evil and dangerous than anyone could have guessed.

BONUS: This edition includes an excerpt from Karin Slaughter's Unseen..

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Medelbetyg: (3.8)
0.5 2
1 3
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2 24
2.5 2
3 118
3.5 41
4 194
4.5 8
5 108

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