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Mama Dip's Kitchen av Mildred Council

Mama Dip's Kitchen (urspr publ 1999; utgåvan 1999)

av Mildred Council (Författare)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygDiskussioner
1393202,967 (3.97)Ingen/inga
For nearly twenty-five years, Mildred Council--better known by her nickname, Mama Dip--has nourished thousands of hungry folks in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Her restaurant, Mama Dip's Kitchen, is a much-loved community institution that has gained loyal fans and customers from all walks of life, from New York Times food writer Craig Claiborne to former Tar Heel basketball player Michael Jordan. Mama Dip's Kitchen showcases the same down-home, wholesome, everyday Southern cooking for which its namesake restaurant is celebrated. The book features more than 250 recipes for such favorites as old-fashioned chicken pie, country-style pork chops, sweet potatoes, fresh corn casserole, poundcake, and banana pudding. Chapters cover breads and breakfast dishes; poultry, fish, and seafood; beef, pork, and lamb; vegetables and salads; and desserts, beverages, and party dishes. The book opens with a charming introductory essay, a savory reflection on a life in cooking that also reveals the story behind Council's nickname. It is both a graceful reminiscence of a country childhood and the inspiring story of a woman determined to make her own way in the larger world.… (mer)
Titel:Mama Dip's Kitchen
Författare:Mildred Council (Författare)
Info:The University of North Carolina Press (1999), 248 pages
Samlingar:Second Shelf, Ditt bibliotek


Mama Dip's Kitchen av Mildred Council (1999)


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For southern US cooking this is said to be a great book - not an area of expertise so I take other's words on this but the background narrative makes it a great read, regardless. The book came out of Mildred Council's many years of running Mama Dip's restaurant in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. See, also, Paula Deen, for southern cooking.
  Carrie.deSilva | Aug 28, 2011 |
A rare jewel very precious to me. Mama Dip's recipes remind me of meals with my maternal grandmother on Sunday's. Even though I don't cook this way, I need to have it as part of my collection. It reminds me of my roots and keeps me grounded. ( )
  readit2 | Aug 31, 2008 |
Interesting recipes, some of which probably won't have much use (chitlins, hog lites). However, it's no substitute for going to Chapel Hill and eating at her restaurant. ( )
  lunza | Mar 4, 2006 |
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For nearly twenty-five years, Mildred Council--better known by her nickname, Mama Dip--has nourished thousands of hungry folks in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Her restaurant, Mama Dip's Kitchen, is a much-loved community institution that has gained loyal fans and customers from all walks of life, from New York Times food writer Craig Claiborne to former Tar Heel basketball player Michael Jordan. Mama Dip's Kitchen showcases the same down-home, wholesome, everyday Southern cooking for which its namesake restaurant is celebrated. The book features more than 250 recipes for such favorites as old-fashioned chicken pie, country-style pork chops, sweet potatoes, fresh corn casserole, poundcake, and banana pudding. Chapters cover breads and breakfast dishes; poultry, fish, and seafood; beef, pork, and lamb; vegetables and salads; and desserts, beverages, and party dishes. The book opens with a charming introductory essay, a savory reflection on a life in cooking that also reveals the story behind Council's nickname. It is both a graceful reminiscence of a country childhood and the inspiring story of a woman determined to make her own way in the larger world.

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