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Laddar... Melissa (2015)av Alex Gino
Gå med i LibraryThing för att få reda på om du skulle tycka om den här boken. Det finns inga diskussioner på LibraryThing om den här boken. {My Thoughts} – Any child that has ever questioned whether they are truly a boy or a girl should read this book. It’s thought provoking, it’s brilliantly written and it touches base on a topic often overlooked in books. George is a ten year old boy that believes he’s a girl. At school they have a play and he auditions for a girl part, his teacher not being understanding makes him feel uncomfortable. It takes him awhile to come to terms and tell his best friend Kelly. Then he tells his mom and his brother. In the end he finally feels like he belongs in his own skin. This book is one way in which a transgender child can learn to accept them self. It’s one way in which they can gain they understanding that it’s okay to be different, that society can adapt. This book is one I think every child should read. Transgender, gay, bisexual, etc. Whatever they are, even straight I think it could help them gain an understanding of how not everyone is meant to be the person they were born to be and that’s okay. This book made it seem fairly easy to come out, in reality for George it may have been easier then one would think, but he still dealt with a rude teacher, bullies, an upset parent, understanding sibling, teacher and best friend. It’s hard to determine what others will think in such a situation, but I’d hope that most would have the common sense to be nice and accepting. Those that are different have it hard enough without others adding problems they don’t need to have to deal with. This is a must read book by all definitions and I highly recommend it. I especially recommend it for all children that aren’t comfortable with who they are and think they are different or know they are different. {My Thoughts} – Any child that has ever questioned whether they are truly a boy or a girl should read this book. It’s thought provoking, it’s brilliantly written and it touches base on a topic often overlooked in books. George is a ten year old boy that believes he’s a girl. At school they have a play and he auditions for a girl part, his teacher not being understanding makes him feel uncomfortable. It takes him awhile to come to terms and tell his best friend Kelly. Then he tells his mom and his brother. In the end he finally feels like he belongs in his own skin. This book is one way in which a transgender child can learn to accept them self. It’s one way in which they can gain they understanding that it’s okay to be different, that society can adapt. This book is one I think every child should read. Transgender, gay, bisexual, etc. Whatever they are, even straight I think it could help them gain an understanding of how not everyone is meant to be the person they were born to be and that’s okay. This book made it seem fairly easy to come out, in reality for George it may have been easier then one would think, but he still dealt with a rude teacher, bullies, an upset parent, understanding sibling, teacher and best friend. It’s hard to determine what others will think in such a situation, but I’d hope that most would have the common sense to be nice and accepting. Those that are different have it hard enough without others adding problems they don’t need to have to deal with. This is a must read book by all definitions and I highly recommend it. I especially recommend it for all children that aren’t comfortable with who they are and think they are different or know they are different. The subject matter is important and the intention behind the book is great. A for concept and effort. But the writing itself is not good. It feels didactc and pedestrian. Like [b:Daddy's Roommate|791133|Daddy's Roommate|Michael Willhoite|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1328758764l/791133._SX50_.jpg|777118], I think over time this book will be remembered as groundbreaking but my prediction is that it will not become perennial favorite. Better written books about transgender children will be published every year. Additionally, there are a lot more stereotypical depections in this book than you’d expect. All the male characters are fairly stereotypical (Kelly’s dad is a slob, Scott is gross and brash, Jeff is mean and disdains things that are girly). inga recensioner | lägg till en recension
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George drömmer om att spela Charlotte i skolpjäsen. Hon skulle stå där på scenen och med sitt skådespeleri få publiken att gråta. Hon vet att hon skulle göra det bäst av alla i hela klassen men får inte ens provspela. Fröken har bestämt att bara flickor kan bli uttagna till den rollen och alla tror att George är en pojke. Men det är hon inte. Tillsammans med sin bästis Kelly hittar George på ett sätt att få spela Charlotte och visa alla vem hon egentligen är. [Barnbokskatalogen] Inga biblioteksbeskrivningar kunde hittas. |
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Google Books — Laddar... GenrerMelvil Decimal System (DDC)813.6Literature English (North America) American fiction 21st CenturyKlassifikation enligt LCBetygMedelbetyg:
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This was incredibly well-written, and the characters were all developed beautifully. I feel like everyone should read this book! It really is a FANTASTIC tribute to a young person’s transition story!!! ( )