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Notes for the Night: A Guided Journal for…

Notes for the Night: A Guided Journal for Moonlit Magic (utgåvan 2022)

av Maia Toll (Författare)

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Explore the mysteries of the Night -- from questions of ancient philosophy to the magical properties of the Elements -- and the witch within in Notes for the Night, a guided journal and modern Book of Shadows from award-winning author and healer Maia Toll. * DELUXE GUIDED JOURNAL: This hardcover guided journal features a full-color interior with spot illustrations, textured case, foil accents, and ribbon marker, as well as lined and blank pages for recording spells, ideas, and dreams. * COMPANION TO THE NIGHT SCHOOL FROM AUTHOR MAIA TOLL: Dive deeper into the topics of astrology, alchemy, philosophical teachings, divination, and more in this guided journal companion to The Night School. With original content, this journal is offers something for all journals, whether or not they are familiar with the concepts of The Night School. * FULL OF DOZENS OF PROMPTS, EXERCISES, AND RITUALS: Notes for the Night contains more than 50 journal prompts, as well as ritual ideas and suggestions for further reading. * MAGICAL SELF-EXPLORATION: Tap into the mysteries of the Night as you develop a more profound and magical understanding of yourself and the world around you with this guided journal practice.… (mer)
Titel:Notes for the Night: A Guided Journal for Moonlit Magic
Författare:Maia Toll (Författare)
Info:RP Studio (2022), 176 pages
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Notes for the Night: A Guided Journal for Moonlit Magic av Maia Toll

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Explore the mysteries of the Night -- from questions of ancient philosophy to the magical properties of the Elements -- and the witch within in Notes for the Night, a guided journal and modern Book of Shadows from award-winning author and healer Maia Toll. * DELUXE GUIDED JOURNAL: This hardcover guided journal features a full-color interior with spot illustrations, textured case, foil accents, and ribbon marker, as well as lined and blank pages for recording spells, ideas, and dreams. * COMPANION TO THE NIGHT SCHOOL FROM AUTHOR MAIA TOLL: Dive deeper into the topics of astrology, alchemy, philosophical teachings, divination, and more in this guided journal companion to The Night School. With original content, this journal is offers something for all journals, whether or not they are familiar with the concepts of The Night School. * FULL OF DOZENS OF PROMPTS, EXERCISES, AND RITUALS: Notes for the Night contains more than 50 journal prompts, as well as ritual ideas and suggestions for further reading. * MAGICAL SELF-EXPLORATION: Tap into the mysteries of the Night as you develop a more profound and magical understanding of yourself and the world around you with this guided journal practice.

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