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The Anxiety Solution: 61 Practical Tools for…

The Anxiety Solution: 61 Practical Tools for Managing Stress and Worries (utgåvan 2023)

av Dr Liza Varvogli (Författare)

Serier: Amazing You

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygDiskussioner
16111,326,128 (4.56)Ingen/inga
Titel:The Anxiety Solution: 61 Practical Tools for Managing Stress and Worries
Författare:Dr Liza Varvogli (Författare)
Info:mamaya (2023), 198 pages
Samlingar:Ditt bibliotek


The Anxiety Solution: 61 Practical Tools for Managing Stress and Worries av Dr Liza Varvogli


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Det finns inga diskussioner på LibraryThing om den här boken.

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This book was provided to me by the publisher as part of the Early Reviewers program. As an educator, I found this book to be extremely helpful by providing tools to help students regulate during times of stress. I especially appreciate the mindfulness exercises and self-guided meditation.
  HawaiiAnna | Jan 21, 2024 |
The Anxiety Solution gave some great tips on how I can help relieve my own anxiety and stress. It would be a good gift for those who are experiencing extreme anxiety. I am giving it five stars. ( )
  amybooksy | Nov 17, 2023 |
Disclaimer: This book was provided to me by the publisher as part of the Early Reviewers program. Excellent basic primer that covers stress vs anxiety, the effect each has on hormones, parts of the body, and different methods and techniques of dealing with each in different ways, both physical and mental. Part of the Amazing You series, this book is in accessible language that can be easily understood, even without any kind of prior knowledge of the topic. I'll probably invest in the hard copy of this one for my shelf for reference, and am going to do a deeper re-read of the electronic version once I learn how to highlight/note things on the new kindle. ( )
  Quiltingdragon | Nov 12, 2023 |
I don't think I have yet to come across a self-help book like this in all my readings; that includes all the guides I received from the Veterans Administration!! Liza covers every aspect of stress and anxiety in one's life and how to best manage it in todays electronic age. Some of her methods may seem old school, but they are still just as effective and I know because I use them myself!! This is definitely a good read if you need a little help dealing in today's society and want to cope with stress and anxiety. ( )
  LoboAl | Oct 20, 2023 |
This is an amazingly helpful book. Packed with tangible tools that everyone can use, it's a must-have for people who have anxiety and those who care for them.
  WriteNowCoach | Oct 7, 2023 |
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Dr Liza Varvoglis bok The Anxiety Solution: 61 Practical Tools for Managing Stress and Worries delades ut via LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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