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Het Kainsteken av Patricia D. Cornwell

Het Kainsteken (1995)

av Patricia D. Cornwell

Serier: Kay Scarpetta (6)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
5,759451,826 (3.58)26
#1 bestselling author Patricia Cornwell returns to the chilling world of gutsy medical examiner Kay Scarpetta in this classic forensic thriller. An unidentified nude female sits propped against a fountain in Central Park. There are no signs of struggle. When Dr. Kay Scarpetta and her colleagues Benton Wesley and Pete Marino arrive on the scene, they instantly recognize the signature of serial killer Temple Brooks Gault. Scarpetta, on assignment with the FBI, visits the New York City morgue on Christmas morning, where she must use her forensic expertise to give a name to the nameless-a difficult task. But as she sorts through conflicting forensic clues, Gault claims his next victim. He has infiltrated the FBI's top secret artificial-intelligence system developed by Scarpetta's niece, and sends taunting messages as his butchery continues, moving terrifyingly closer to Scarpetta herself.… (mer)
Titel:Het Kainsteken
Författare:Patricia D. Cornwell
Info:Poema Pocket (Paperback)
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mystery. Another good Scarpetta yarn
  derailer | Jan 25, 2024 |
Another great book from Madame Medical Investigator Author Patricia Cornwell. Always well-researched, this time the book causes Dr. Kay Scarpetta, Marino and of course, FBI Agent Benton Wesley to investigate the death of a frozen naked woman propped openly in Central Park. Their path leads them to the parents of a psychotic serial killer, one of whom can see nothing wrong about her son and the other parent who would only see his if pointing a shotgun at the son's face. The woman's identity is a shock, as is Scarpetta's handiness with a side-arm. A must-read! ( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
Another good story that just has something “missing”. The hook just isn’t there. And the big showdown between the protagonist and the antagonist, that was built up the whole book, and actually even books before, just felt rushed wasted. Kinda disappointing since there really is a lot of promise here... ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
Parece que Temple Brooks Gault, el asesino en serie que se ha convertido en la última pesadilla de la investigadora Scarpetta, ha vuelto a cometer un asesinato. La víctima es una mujer blanca, encontrada en el Central Park de Nueva York, cuya identidad no consiguen determinar. Las pistas encontradas en el escenario del crimen y en el cuerpo de la víctima son tan evidentes que parecen dejadas a propósito como indicios de un desafío. Scarpetta no puede pasar por alto que las pistas la señalan a ella misma como la próxima presa. Aunque cuente con la ayuda del FBI, Scarpetta sabe que ha de jugar sola y que deberá hacerlo en el terreno de Gault, es decir, en los túneles del metro de Nueva York.
  Natt90 | Dec 10, 2022 |
This was the sixth instalment in the series featuring Dr Kay Scarpetta, Chief Medical Examiner for the Commonwealth of Virginia, and may have marked the beginning of the decline. The early books in the series had all been excellent, and I remember eagerly awaiting the publication of each new addition to the canon. However, I remember first time around feeling that this one was a little weaker than its predecessors, and that maybe Patricia Cornwell was starting to try to pin gold from straw.

This was also the third novel to revolve around the gross misdeeds of Temple Gault, a psychopath whose ingenuity blended with sheer taste for evil had first appeared in Cruel and Unusual, and then again in The Body Farm.

Many of the customary elements of a Cornwell novel are in place – Marino seems as jaundiced and bigoted as ever, although Kay’s niece Lucy Farinelli is slightly less obnoxious than expected.

The book opens with a murder in Central Park in the snow in the run up to Christmas. The police are unable to identify the female victim, but the way that the body has been left betrays many of the signature traits associated with Gault. His involvement is rapidly concerned when more of his self-aggrandising twists are also found.

This time the science played a smaller part than in the previous books, and I wonder if this was one reason why it felt more flimsy than its predecessors. In the earlier books, one of the appealing characteristics had been the deployment of the writer’s considerable knowledge of forensic science.

It was still enjoyable, even for a second time nearly thirty years on, but the appeal of the earlier books, which were rightly universally acclaimed, had started to fade. ( )
  Eyejaybee | Jun 15, 2022 |
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Patricia Cornwellprimär författarealla utgåvorberäknat
Grube, AnetteÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Jukarainen, ErkkiÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Narbonne, HélèneÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Peters, DonadaBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Rusconi, AnnaÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Sabaté, HernánÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.

—Genesis 4:10
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This book is for Dr. Erika Blanton (Scarpetta would call you friend)
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He walked with sure steps through snow, which was deep in Central Park, and it was late now, but he was not certain how late.
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Wikipedia på engelska (1)

#1 bestselling author Patricia Cornwell returns to the chilling world of gutsy medical examiner Kay Scarpetta in this classic forensic thriller. An unidentified nude female sits propped against a fountain in Central Park. There are no signs of struggle. When Dr. Kay Scarpetta and her colleagues Benton Wesley and Pete Marino arrive on the scene, they instantly recognize the signature of serial killer Temple Brooks Gault. Scarpetta, on assignment with the FBI, visits the New York City morgue on Christmas morning, where she must use her forensic expertise to give a name to the nameless-a difficult task. But as she sorts through conflicting forensic clues, Gault claims his next victim. He has infiltrated the FBI's top secret artificial-intelligence system developed by Scarpetta's niece, and sends taunting messages as his butchery continues, moving terrifyingly closer to Scarpetta herself.

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