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Laddar... Bridget Jones dagbok (1996)av Helen Fielding
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Gå med i LibraryThing för att få reda på om du skulle tycka om den här boken. Det finns inga diskussioner på LibraryThing om den här boken. I can't believe that I'm gonna say this, but go watch a movie instead. ( ) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ I rather enjoyed this read. I've watched the movie on multiple occasions, and I'd like to think that it's one of my favorite movies. So, I figured why not read the book. In all honesty, I think I enjoyed elements of both the book more and the movie in others. For example, in the movie Bridget's friends are a little more supportive, however in the book they're kinda of a bunch of assholes...except maybe Tom (but he has his crappy moments too). Anyway, I did enjoy this read. I could understand how for new generations (talking about anyone born after the 90's) could find this read a little outdated or irrelevant to today, but for someone like me this was exactly my upbringing, my experience "growing up,". What Bridget Jones goes through in the book (weight gain, anxiety, friend issues, relationship issues, etc.) is what I went through as well and it made me analyze my past in a constructive fashion. Instead of letting my past affect my present mental state, I used this book as more of a therapeutic experience. In a weird way, after reading this book, I feel a little lighter. Like I've shed some heavy part of me (no pun intended). I think this book isn't so much about Bridget Jones the person, but rather seeing what our thoughts do to us when we let them control all aspects of our lives. The fact that Bridget thinks that 131 lbs. is considered horrendous is something relatable. Like I said, for younger generations who didn't grow up in a society where weight and image was 90% of everything, understanding might not come so easily to them. Anyway...all in all I really did like this read. Looking forward to reading the sequel.
O.K., James Joyce it may not be, but show me the woman to whom this sort of stream-of-consciousness, self-assessing mental clutter is unfamiliar and I'll show you the person who will not think ''Bridget Jones's Diary'' is both completely hilarious and spot on. Ingår i serienBridget Jones (1) Ingår iHar bearbetningenInspirerades avPriserPrestigefyllda urvalUppmärksammade listor
Humor (Fiction.)
HTML:USA Today's top 100 books to read while stuck at home social distancing The iconic #1 bestseller by Helen Fielding; Bridget Jones is now the inspiration for the September 2016 Working Title film release of Bridget Jones's Baby, starring Renee Zellweger, Colin Firth, Patrick Dempsey and Emma Thompson. Bridget Jones's Diary is the devastatingly self-aware, laugh-out-loud account of a year in the life of a thirty-something Singleton on a permanent doomed quest for self-improvement. Caught between the joys of Singleton fun, and the fear of dying alone and being found three weeks later half eaten by an Alsatian; tortured by Smug Married friends asking, "How's your love life?" with lascivious, yet patronizing leers, Bridget resolves to: reduce the circumference of each thigh by 1.5 inches, visit the gym three times a week not just to buy a sandwich, form a functional relationship with a responsible adult and learn to program the VCR. With a blend of flighty charm, existential gloom, and endearing self-deprecation, Bridget Jones's Diary has touched a raw nerve with millions of readers the world round. Read it and laughbefore you cry, "Bridget Jones is me!". Inga biblioteksbeskrivningar kunde hittas. |
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