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Y: The Last Man Book One av Brian K. Vaughan

Y: The Last Man Book One (urspr publ 2003; utgåvan 2014)

av Brian K. Vaughan (Författare)

Serier: Y: The Last Man (Deluxe 1)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
1,0102221,032 (4.17)8
Y: The Last Man, winner of three Eisner Awards and one of the most critically acclaimed, best-selling comic books series of the last decade, is that rare example of a page-turner that is at once humorous, socially relevant and endlessly surprising. Written by Brian K. Vaughan (Lost, Pride Of Baghdad, Ex Machina) and with art by Pia Guerra, this is the saga of Yorick Brown-the only human survivor of a planet-wide plague that instantly kills every mammal possessing a Y chromosome. Accompanied by a mysterious government agent, a brilliant young geneticist and his pet monkey, Ampersand, Yorick travels the world in search of his lost love and the answer to why he's the last man on earth.… (mer)
Titel:Y: The Last Man Book One
Författare:Brian K. Vaughan (Författare)
Info:Vertigo (2014), Edition: Illustrated, 245 pages
Samlingar:Ditt bibliotek


Y: The Last Man: The Deluxe Edition, Book 1 av Brian K. Vaughan (Author) (2003)


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» Se även 8 omnämnanden

Visa 1-5 av 22 (nästa | visa alla)
I love this series! Excellently written and illustrated, the struggles Yorick has in the post apocalyptic world are things I never would have imagined. Great storytelling. It shows what I would describe as a realistic reaction to the apocalypse happening and being put in a crazy situation. ( )
  illarai | Jun 26, 2024 |
Whoa! Crazy! Crazy awesome. Hella violence and hella freaky. ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
Yorick is such a Dumb Boy. Luckily I love a Dumb Boy so I find him a fun protagonist. An annoying and kinda unwilling sidekick to 355's determined secret agent. ( )
  xaverie | Apr 3, 2023 |
What would happen if all men on the planet died -- except one? With every other post-apocalyptic story involving the same struggles, exploring an entirely new take on the world offered a refreshing change. For the entire series, I was thinking "one more...", and enjoyed the eventual payoffs. ( )
  adamfortuna | May 28, 2021 |
Interesting concept with dated references, implausible plot twists, and not infrequent disruptions in the plot for pop-sermonizing through factoids. The art is consistent and well done. The concept, the accolades, and the 355 character will keep me for another volume hoping the characters will develop now that Vaughan has built the world and set the tone. ( )
  KevinEldon | Feb 6, 2021 |
Visa 1-5 av 22 (nästa | visa alla)
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Författarens namnRollTyp av författareVerk?Status
Vaughan, Brian K.Författareprimär författarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Guerra, PiaIllustratörhuvudförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Marzán Jr., JoséIllustratörhuvudförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
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Wikipedia på engelska (1)

Y: The Last Man, winner of three Eisner Awards and one of the most critically acclaimed, best-selling comic books series of the last decade, is that rare example of a page-turner that is at once humorous, socially relevant and endlessly surprising. Written by Brian K. Vaughan (Lost, Pride Of Baghdad, Ex Machina) and with art by Pia Guerra, this is the saga of Yorick Brown-the only human survivor of a planet-wide plague that instantly kills every mammal possessing a Y chromosome. Accompanied by a mysterious government agent, a brilliant young geneticist and his pet monkey, Ampersand, Yorick travels the world in search of his lost love and the answer to why he's the last man on earth.

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Medelbetyg: (4.17)
1 2
2 2
2.5 2
3 42
3.5 11
4 106
4.5 14
5 101

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