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Dracula, My Love: The Secret Journals of Mina Harker

av Syrie James

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
3233483,570 (3.74)10
Author Syrie James (The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen) offers readers a breathtaking new perspective on Bram Stoker's classic tale of the king of the vampires with Dracula, My Love. In these "Secret Journals of Mina Harker," the object of Dracula's desire relates for the very first time the shocking story of her scandalous seduction and sexual rebirth. This is not the chaste vampire romance of Twilight--Dracula, My Love celebrates a passionate obsession in all its hot and sensuous glory.… (mer)
  1. 20
    Dracula in Love av Karen Essex (dizzyweasel)
    dizzyweasel: These two novels embark on similar projects: retelling the Dracula story through the perspective of Mina Harker.
  2. 00
    Historikern av Elizabeth Kostova (Joles, Joles)

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At first I was disappointed that so much of the text was lifted straight from the original novel [b:Dracula|17245|Dracula|Bram Stoker|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1255650730s/17245.jpg|3165724]. However, as it went on, I was more and more impressed with Ms. James' alternate explanations for the events of the original. And it had a pretty good ending. So, to the author I say, well done.

The absolute best part of this, though, was the audiobook narrator's Van Helsing voice. Hilarious! He really is written like that in the original, too! He talks in pidgin English, uses ridiculous metaphors, and generally sounds like a quack emboldened by everyone around him taking him seriously. ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
Según la famosa novela de Bram Stoker, el conde Drácula fue un ser salvaje y sanguinario, un manipulador sin escrúpulos felizmente aniquilado por Jonathan Harker y el doctor Van Helsing. Ahora, a partir de los diarios secretos de Mina Harker, Syrie James nos muestra el verdadero rostro del vampiro: un ser atormentado, sensible y fascinante, que arrastrará a un romance tempestuoso a una Mina que se debate entre la atracción fatal que siente por el conde y la devoción al marido que le impone su educación puritana.
  Natt90 | Dec 23, 2022 |
Though I was excited to read a book based on Mina's perspective, I had a hard time getting into this book. I thought the Mina/Dracula love angle was ok, but the story just moved at an extremely slow pace. Maybe Stoker's Dracula was the same - it's been so long since I've read it, I can't remember what it was like.
( )
  teetter | Nov 29, 2022 |
Retelling of the Dracula story told through Mina's eyes. I enjoyed the story. I also enjoyed her feelings for Dracula and his for hers. I wish the ending were different but then again maybe it is. ( )
  Sheila1957 | Feb 19, 2020 |
If you have always sympathized with Dracula or wanted to see Mina and Dracula's romance, then this book is for you! My preference for characters leans toward the antagonistic and I am thrilled by forbidden romance. This book was right up my alley. I enjoyed it immensely--devoured it in but a few sittings, in fact. I was pleased with the characterization, dialogue, plot, pace, diction, basically everything. This includes the ending (which is really wonderful if you look at the signs, and does leave room for a sequel). I honestly can't think of a single complaint offhand.

This book also made me realize something. That is, you can be a paid author of fanfiction. Let's be a bit truthful here in admitting that this work is fanfiction. And that it is published and thus the author is getting paid for it. This is a beautiful, wonderful thing which gives me hope for my own future (and plenty of good things to read!). Of course I already knew this, but this book solidified the concept in my mind and very well too. ( )
  otaginenbutsuji | Nov 12, 2019 |
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For my son, Ryan Michael James, who piqued my interest in vampires, and who is a wizard in his own right.
And in memory of my brillant, beloved father, Morton Michael Astrahan, who used to thrill me with his bedtime stories, which always ended with a cliffhanger... and who encouraged me to follow my dreams.
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It has been seven long years since the first night he came to my chamber, seven long years since the string of haunting, incredible, and perilous events occurred—events which I am certain no one else will believe, even though we took care to make a written record of it.
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Author Syrie James (The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen) offers readers a breathtaking new perspective on Bram Stoker's classic tale of the king of the vampires with Dracula, My Love. In these "Secret Journals of Mina Harker," the object of Dracula's desire relates for the very first time the shocking story of her scandalous seduction and sexual rebirth. This is not the chaste vampire romance of Twilight--Dracula, My Love celebrates a passionate obsession in all its hot and sensuous glory.

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Medelbetyg: (3.74)
1 2
1.5 2
2 4
2.5 1
3 12
3.5 6
4 25
4.5 4
5 15

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